martedì 20 gennaio 2009

Yes, he can

A black social worker is the 44° president of the United States of America.
Yes, he can make many mistakes. Too much rethoric, too much idealism...
But he is the living proof of how inclusive and open is our Western society.
Let's wish he will resist the temptation of doing too much!
Let's hope he will reigns, instead of ruling.
Nobody can rule this time of disintegration, this world that has become an Estremistan.
In this world so many human beings - much more than in every other time of known history - have conquered their own independence.
They want to rule themselves, for themselves, by themselves.
They deserve a president who did not menace their inalienable rights and among these their life, liberty, property, pursuit of happiness.
Let's learn to be less Lincoln, and more Jefferson, and Barak Obama will be good enough, also for us, who prefered Mc Cain...

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